SmartFreight now compliant with New Zealand post codes
We have just deployed New Zealand Post codes to our SmartFreight Shipping Platform, which means streamlined eCommerce Shipping into the Land of the Long White Cloud.
So what’s so significant about this?
New Zealand has only recently covered all the geography with a postcode number, there are some 8209 postcodes today. A year ago it this was only about 80% complete, which is when SmartFreight embarked on an ambitious project to implement the support for the Postcodes into our platform, ultimately this will replace the North Island/South Island postcode file structure we is use today. One of the biggest challenges was the need support a file for New Zealand shippers wanting to use 4 digit postcode address format and continue, at the same time, to be able to use town/city/island addressing formats. What this means into the future, SmartFreight now have 2 addressing regimes operating based on client need or customer sophistication.
This means that shippers, carriers and customers will have an enhanced delivery experience as the postcode files filter into more and more New Zealand business.
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